Our Parents Association
Scoil Nano Nagle has always been lucky to have dedicated and hard-working parents as part of the PA. We are affiliated to the National Parents Council. Our officers work hard to make the school a more friendly, productive place. They assist in key school events, such as Santa's visit, our annual book fair and our graduation celebrations. They also help raise funds that recently have provided library books, and helped create a new sensory room. The PA also play a key role in shaping school policy and their views are sought on key decisions. The committee meet at least twice a term and the principal and the home-school co-ordinator regularly sit in. The AGM of the association is held each September in the school.
In June 2018, our Parents Association won the prestigious "Fred O'Connell" award from the NPC!
Their project on "Well Being" received great feedback from the judges. A huge well done to all involved. Click on the picture of the winner's plaque to find out more information!
Click here to see the pictures behind the project!
Their project on "Well Being" received great feedback from the judges. A huge well done to all involved. Click on the picture of the winner's plaque to find out more information!
Click here to see the pictures behind the project!
Constitution All-inclusive Parents’ Association printable version of constitution
This organisation shall be known as the “All-inclusive Parents’ Association”
To create a friendly, welcoming environment in the school community.
Membership Eligibility
Anyone involved with the caring and rearing of a child in the school is a member of the association.
Structure of Association
· A committee from the membership body who are willing to organise together to foster the aims
of the association
· Officers of the committee shall be made up of
Transition of Parents from Scoil Nano Nagle to Scoil Talbot
This organisation shall be known as the “All-inclusive Parents’ Association”
To create a friendly, welcoming environment in the school community.
Membership Eligibility
Anyone involved with the caring and rearing of a child in the school is a member of the association.
Structure of Association
· A committee from the membership body who are willing to organise together to foster the aims
of the association
· Officers of the committee shall be made up of
- Chairperson
- Vice-chairperson
- Secretary
- Vice Secretary
- Treasurer
- Vice-treasurer
- Representative from the teaching body of the school
- Chairperson shall chair and call each committee meeting
- Vice-chairperson shall deputise for the chairperson if he/she is unavailable
- Secretary shall be responsible for correspondence or other communication to the
- association
- Vice-secretary shall deputise for the secretary
- Treasurer shall be responsible for the post office account and ensure that money is
- accounted for
- Vice-treasurer shall work with the treasurer.
- Representative from the teaching body shall normally be the Home/School/Community
- Liaison Co-ordinator. It is his/her responsibility to support the work of the association by providing any necessary secretarial backup and accommodation that the association needs to carry out its work.
- An A.G.M. shall be held every year.
- Each candidate for officership shall be nominated and seconded. In the event of there being more than one nomination there shall be an election on the first past the post basis.
- Any member wishing to be a member of the committee shall be given a place.
- Meetings should be held on a monthly basis where practicable.
- Committee members should receive notice of meetings together with the written minutes of the last meeting
- There shall be a written agenda for each meeting
- The minutes will record all decisions made
- There will be an update on the finances at each meeting
- There shall be quorum of 5 members at a committee meeting for decisions to be valid.
- In the event that there is no quorum the members present may call another meeting informing all other committee members and the quorum will not apply to that meeting.
- All money collected by the association for the school remains the property of the school.
- The committee may draw on funds for legitimate expenses related to the running of the association.
- An account of finances shall be given at every A.G.M.
- Receipts shall be produced for all expenses.
- There shall be three signatories for the association account i.e. treasurer, vice=treasurer and one other from the committee.
- If subcommittees are formed, they shall communicate and work with the general committee.
Transition of Parents from Scoil Nano Nagle to Scoil Talbot
- When an association member’s last child has gone from 2nd class in Scoil Nano Nagle to 3rd class in Scoil Talbot they may continue to attend committee meetings until the end of the first school term in December.
- However they must relinquish any officership they hold at the A.G.M. and will have no voting rights at meetings. They shall attend in an advisory capacity to assist and advise the new committee in its work.