Newsletters for 2019 - 2020
4th September 2019. Principal's message. Timetable for new Early Start and Junior Infant children, Coffee morning.
11th September 2019: Lunch forms, adult classes, Parents' Association, Attendance awards
18th September 2019: Fund raiser for Luke, Book Payments, Rince Dancing Classes:
25th September 2019: Early Start Quality Time, Attendance Award ceremony, Witches and Wizards walk
2nd October 2019: Parents' Association AGM, Adult classes update, recycling clothes
9th October 2019: Monthly Attendance update, Gardening Club, Class photos for calendars
16th October 2019: Do This In Memory Mass, Wizards & Witches Walk, Interesting Courses
23rd October 2019: Mid-term break, Sponsored Walk, Recycling old clothes
6th November 2019: Parent-Teacher meetings, Class Calendars, Clover Project
13th November 2019: Parent-Teacher Meetings, Boil Notice, School Closure on Friday, 29th November
20th November 2019: Do This In Memory Mass, The Life of Nano Nagle, School Closure on Friday, 29th November
27th November 2019: Christmas Dates for Your Diary, Early Start Quality Time, Food Appeal
4th December 2019: Salesian Sisters, Reindeer Food, Christmas Events
11th December 2019: New Board of Management, Christmas Events, Good attenders
18th December 2019: Christmas Greeting, School Holidays, Useful Websites for the Christmas
8th January 2020: Happy New Year, Junior Infant Enrolment, Updating Contact Details
15th January 2020: Enrolment Details, Best Attenders, School Lunches
22nd January 2020: Enrolment Details, Library Visits, "Do This in Memory" mass
29th January 2020: Enrolment Details, Cake Sale, Catholic Schools Week
5th February 2020: School Closure, Enrolment Details, Best Attenders
12th February 2020: Mid-term break, Enrolment Details, Local Places to Visit
26th February 2020: Library Visits, Returning Library Books, Trocaire Boxes
4th March 2020: Important Health Notice, Seachtain na Gaeilge Concerts, World Book Day
11th September 2019: Lunch forms, adult classes, Parents' Association, Attendance awards
18th September 2019: Fund raiser for Luke, Book Payments, Rince Dancing Classes:
25th September 2019: Early Start Quality Time, Attendance Award ceremony, Witches and Wizards walk
2nd October 2019: Parents' Association AGM, Adult classes update, recycling clothes
9th October 2019: Monthly Attendance update, Gardening Club, Class photos for calendars
16th October 2019: Do This In Memory Mass, Wizards & Witches Walk, Interesting Courses
23rd October 2019: Mid-term break, Sponsored Walk, Recycling old clothes
6th November 2019: Parent-Teacher meetings, Class Calendars, Clover Project
13th November 2019: Parent-Teacher Meetings, Boil Notice, School Closure on Friday, 29th November
20th November 2019: Do This In Memory Mass, The Life of Nano Nagle, School Closure on Friday, 29th November
27th November 2019: Christmas Dates for Your Diary, Early Start Quality Time, Food Appeal
4th December 2019: Salesian Sisters, Reindeer Food, Christmas Events
11th December 2019: New Board of Management, Christmas Events, Good attenders
18th December 2019: Christmas Greeting, School Holidays, Useful Websites for the Christmas
8th January 2020: Happy New Year, Junior Infant Enrolment, Updating Contact Details
15th January 2020: Enrolment Details, Best Attenders, School Lunches
22nd January 2020: Enrolment Details, Library Visits, "Do This in Memory" mass
29th January 2020: Enrolment Details, Cake Sale, Catholic Schools Week
5th February 2020: School Closure, Enrolment Details, Best Attenders
12th February 2020: Mid-term break, Enrolment Details, Local Places to Visit
26th February 2020: Library Visits, Returning Library Books, Trocaire Boxes
4th March 2020: Important Health Notice, Seachtain na Gaeilge Concerts, World Book Day