1st September 2022: Messages from Ms. Carmody & Ms. Fassnidge, Pupil Insurance, Book Payments
8th September 2022: Start Times, Book Payments, Pupil Insurance
15th September 2022: School lunches, Book Payments, Updating Family Contact Details
22nd September 2022: Book Payments, Attendance Awards, pupil Insurance
29th September 2022: Wet Mornings, Junior Infant Photographs, School Lunches
6th October 2022: Wet Morning Procedure, Communion Information Meeting, Parents Assoc. AGM
13th October 2022: Wizards & Witches Walk, Food Allergies, Parents Association Officers
20th October 2022: Mid-Term Break, 15th November Noon Closure, Halloween Dress Up
27th October 2022: Mod-Term Break, Adult Classes, Witches & Wizards Walk
10th November 2022: Half-Day Closure 15th November, Parent-Teacher Meetings, Friendship Week
17th November 2022: Christmas Annuals, Friendship Week, Updating Contact Details
24th November 2022: Class Calendars, Anti-Bullying Policy Review, Parents Assoc. Meeting
1st December 2022: Santa is Coming to Nano, Class Calendars, Parking Safely outside Nano
8th December 2022: Christmas Holidays, Calendars 2023, 1st Class Nativity
15th December 2022: A Message from Ms. Carmody, Calendars 2023, Christmas Holidays Details!
12th January 2023: Closure on 18th January, Enrolment Information, Adult Classes
19th January 2023: Enrolment Information, CLOVER Project, Local Walking Group
26th January 2023: Closure on 6th February, Mid-Term Arrangements, CLOVER Update
2nd February 2023: Mid-Term Arrangements, Safety on the Yard, Enrolment Applications are Welcome!
9th February 2023: Scooters & E-Bikes, Mid-Term Break Arrangements, Enrolment Applications are Welcome!
23rd February 2023: Half Day (1st March), First Confession Change, Trocaire Boxes
2nd March 2023: St. Patrick's Day Break, First Reconciliation, Attendance Matters!
9th March 2023: St. Patrick's day Celebration in Nano, First Reconciliation, Stop for the Lollipop
16th March 2023: GRMA from Ms. Carmody, Easter Raffle, School Garden
23rd March 2023: Easter Holidays, PA Easter Raffle, Mind your Mental Health
30th March 2023: Easter Holidays, Walking Group, Easter Raffle
20th April 2023: Closure on 3rd May, Annual Cake Sale, Church Clean-Up
27th April 2023: School Closure next week, First Communion, Thank you for the Cake Sale!
4th May 2023: First Holy Communion, First Class Choir, Safety on our School Grounds
11th May 2023: Sports Day 2023, Thank You!, Attendance Matters
18th May 2023: Calendar 2024, Sport day 2023, Safety on our School Grounds
25th May 2023: June Bank Holiday Closure, Healthy Lifestyle & Sports Week 2023, Summer T-Shirt day
1st June 2023: 2nd Class Graduation, Summer T-Shirt Day, Healthy Lifestyle & Sports Week 2023
15th June 2023: Attendance Matters, Graduations, Summer Holidays
22nd June 2023: A Special Message from Ms. Carmody, Summer Holidays, Safety in Our Yard
29th June 2023: Slán Libh! August 30th Re-opening